The Night Sight mode in the Google Camera app for the Google Pixel 3, Pixel 2, and Pixel is incredible

The Google Nexus smartphones were beloved on XDA for their high-end specifications, customizability, and generally lower prices than comparable flagships. Then came the Google Pixel series with their higher prices, but exceptional photography. Those without a Pixel look at the pictures taken by the device with envy. The first Google Pixel, and to a lesser extent the Nexus 6P, showed the world that Google Camera‘s HDR+ means business. Then the Google Pixel 2 came out with Portrait Mode and Fused Video Stabilization (a combination of OIS and EIS to stabilize videos) to wow the world once more. This year’s Google Pixel 3 is here to prove that you don’t need more than a single rear camera to take the best photos. Google’s software magic continues to impress, and the new Night Sight mode which lets you take low light photos without needing a flash is a game changer.
To be clear, Night Sight hasn’t actually officially rolled out yet. Google announced the feature during the Made By Google event but said that it would roll out for the Google Pixel 3 and other Pixel devices sometime next month. However, the latest version of the Google Camera app which rolled out to users earlier today has a fully functional Night Sight built-in. XDA Senior Member cstark27 decompiled the app, changed a single boolean value from false to true, and recompiled the app. With his modded Google Camera app, we were able to try out the new Night Sight feature on the Google Pixel 3 XL, Google Pixel 3, Google Pixel 2 XL, and original Google Pixel. We’ve heard from users that it also works on the Google Pixel 2 and Google Pixel XL, though. Since we first found this feature in the morning, we didn’t have a chance to properly put Night Sight to the test. But now that we’ve had some time to use Night Sight in the evening, we’re ready to show you just how incredible it really is.
